Welcome to The Expedition School.
We believe you belong here.
Your Home for Adventure Teambuilding,
Safety Courses, Outdoor Education, and Paddling!
At The Expedition School, we believe in transformative experiences. Connecting with nature can provide meaningful moments of personal joy and connections with our planet, our family and friends, and our broader community.
We recognize that we operate in nature’s playground, and we understand how important it is to respect and treasure our natural resources. We make education, safety, and knowledge a top priority.
We appreciate every day that we get to spend our days doing what we love. This is what drives and motivates us, and we strive for excellence in all we do.
We are so humbled that we get to share our love of outdoors and adventure and use it to empower individuals and build connections. We open our doors broadly, and everyone has a place with us.
Please visit The Expedition School Fund to read our case for support for the world-class accessible dock that we are building in Austin, Texas!